How tech companies can push for more women in senior roles

Praised for its relentless evolution, the tech industry still hesitates to evolve where it matters most: sorting out the underrepresentation of women in senior leadership positions.  With over a decade of experience in recruiting IT leaders and mentoring countless women, including with my own AQ Women in Tech network composed of around 250 women, I’ve […]

Framing the Role of the Board around Cybersecurity is No Longer about Risk

Business protection from cyber threats must be rooted in the reality of the world we live in The role of the Board with regards to cybersecurity is a topic that keeps coming back and is often addressed in simplistic terms in my view. I don’t think it makes sense to look for “one-size-fits-all” answers to […]

Are you ready for the next IT wave?

A quiet revolution is brewing as a compelling stack of apps and tools promises to unleash the full power of multi-cloud computing Sometimes we can all see change coming but, at other times, changes sneak up on us. I believe that we are currently witnessing a quiet revolution in the way we manage and deploy […]

Reengineer some sovereignty back into your cloud strategy

Why are sovereign clouds such an important component of a modern IT strategy? “Sovereign clouds can host and protect critical infrastructure and sensitive government data, reducing the risk of cyberattacks, espionage and other forms of foreign interference” METCLOUD CEO Ian Vickers comments on the importance of data sovereignty in the current geopolitical climate.

Selecting the Right PCIe Interconnect Switch for Today, and Tomorrow

The rapid evolution of technology has made PCIe (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express) interconnect switches indispensable for various high-performance applications. With data-intensive tasks and the need for ultra-fast communication channels becoming more prevalent, selecting the right PCIe interconnect switch is crucial to support the performance, scale and agility required for the use cases where it will […]

Bridging the gender digital divide: Driving inclusive connectivity

Whether it is accessing healthcare, education and financial services, the internet provides access to critical information and services and supports livelihoods.  It is not just a matter of convenience but a key driver of economic and social opportunity. In many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), the primary – and often only – means of accessing […]

Digital and Data Roadmap Reaches Two-Year Mark – Where Are We Now?

A recent report from Tony Blair’s think-tank, the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, sparked interesting conversations in the news cycle earlier this month, around AI and digital transformation in the public sector. In the report, Blair claims that “government departments could cut workforce time by up to 40% using artificial intelligence (AI) and that […]

Overcoming IT Talent Gaps: The Benefits of Staff Augmentation

In today’s dynamic business environment, the need for flexibility and cost-efficiency in IT staffing has never been more critical. Nearly 80% of global employers noted difficulty filling open roles in 2023 – more than double the number admitting to the problem in 2015, and this trend shows no signs of slowing down in the near […]

Tracing the destructive path of ransomware’s evolution

The year is 1989. “Rain Man” wins the Academy Award for Best Picture. Motorola releases the world’s smallest and lightest phone. The Berlin Wall falls. Taylor Swift was born. It also begins the dawn of a new era of cyber extortion.  The AIDS Trojan arrived innocuously, distributed via floppy disk to public health professionals. But it harbored […]

Why is Private AI Cloud so important?

Increasing legal requirements around AI use mean businesses will need to think carefully about where they run these projects. Because of this many organizations are opting for a private cloud for their AI operations. We spoke to METCLOUD CEO Ian Vickers to find out why privacy and security are so critical for artificial intelligence projects.