6 AI and Data Management Trends for Smart Businesses to Embrace in 2025

By now, virtually every business has heard of AI, and most realize that effective data management is a key ingredient for using AI effectively. Many companies also have mature AI and data management tools and processes in place. But the world of AI and data management is changing quickly, and being at the forefront today […]

Route Optimisation for Profit, Productivity and Driver Safety

For logistics businesses, utilising route planning and optimisation tools can be the difference between having a satisfied customer or not. And whilst maximising volume density, reducing miles travelled and fuel costs are the most immediate and desired outcomes, the primary goal of optimisation is to improve overall fleet efficiency and achieve customer service objectives.  A […]

Navigating the Future: Cloud Migration Journeys and Data Security 

For years, businesses have been chasing innovation with cloud platforms, moving beyond the limitations of legacy technology for greater speed and agility, and sharpening their competitive edge. However, all businesses often face challenges that complicate cloud migration, driving up costs and timelines while exposing the business to data security risks. Ultimately, these challenges block businesses […]

Levelling the Playing Field for IT SMBs

In a crowded IT marketplace, making sure your brand is front and centre can be a challenging feat. The ever-evolving algorithms of Google and LinkedIn make it difficult to ensure your prospects can easily find you. For smaller and less established organisations, it is not uncommon to be overshadowed by the bigger, more well-known brands, […]

The business sustainability initiative you can afford

It’s fair to say we have reached a global consensus around the threat that climate change poses to humanity. But while a majority of people in every country in the world think that human actions contribute to the climate emergency, this belief doesn’t always stack up against the way we behave in our everyday lives. […]

The DaaS Dilemma

While global cloud adoption continues to grow, recent years have seen a shift as more organisations reconsider their public cloud investments due to high costs and failure to provide an adequate return on investment (ROI). Perhaps in some ways this should be expected. The initial rush to the cloud by many who believed it to be ‘the future’ […]

Government Resilience in the Digital Age

How digital resilience can safeguard your state’s future Dr Keegan McBride, University of Oxford lecturer and co-author of a new report, Government Resilience in the Digital Age, encourages government leaders to separate their country’s digital infrastructure from ties to their own physical territory and calls for the launch of cloud-based “digital embassies”. Read the report […]

Can AI-assisted remediation reduce security debt?

Letting financial debt get out of control can be very dangerous. Making the required basic payments on a credit card monthly and avoiding debt collectors doesn’t solve the underlying issue: interest keeps accumulating, creating bigger issues over time. All kinds of debt accumulate interest over time, which then can create problems in the future. Unfortunately, […]

The rise of observability: A new era in IT Operations

In today’s fast-evolving IT landscape, observability isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a strategic imperative.  As organisations grapple with increasingly complex, distributed environments, gaining real-time insights across their entire digital ecosystem is no longer optional—it’s essential.  Observability marks a paradigm shift that not only empowers IT staff to proactively solve technical issues but also positions the entire […]