The double-edged sword of AI in financial regulatory compliance
Global money laundering is estimated to account for a staggering two to five per cent of the world’s GDP, equivalent to up to $2 trillion. In response, regulatory bodies are tightening the noose on financial crime by implementing increasingly stringent regulations and laws. As they do so, many financial institutions are turning to AI in a bid […]
The ethical dilemma: Will AI make our lives better or worse?
From virtual assistants to chatbots, artificial intelligence (Ai) has become an integral part of our daily lives. However, amidst the excitement and convenience Ai brings, the ethical implications associated with Ai must not be overlooked. The news is rife with scaremongering one day, and discussions about how Ai will improve our lives the next. Will […]
7 Ways AI Will Impact Learning and Development
In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force with the potential to revolutionise various industries. What Is Artificial Intelligence? The term “Artificial Intelligence” (AI) is most often used to refer to systems that operate through Machine Learning consultancy. AI refers to systems or computers that mimic human intellect […]
Natural language processing for business: a practical guide
How OpenAI can improve business productivity ChatGPT is receiving an estimated 96 million visitors per month. According to Statista, in business applications the AI-powered chatbot is most commonly used by technical and educational organisations. A strategic use of natural language processing tools in applications where human-like responses are helpful can improve productivity, by automating laborious […]
The Role of Generative AI in Contact Centres
Generative AI has been the talk of the town since the release of ChatGPT in November 2022. Yet, the rhetoric around the technology has taken a negative turn, with people terrified it will replace them in their jobs, or that the tech will become more intelligent than humans, taking over society. It’s a fear made […]
What is AI Bias and Why It Matters to IT?
Notice there’s no question whether bias exists; it does. But rather the question is how does it get introduced and why should IT care? The hype around AI could not be higher right now. Interest is piqued, demand is overwhelming, and everyone is scrambling to find “the killer app” for their market. But under the […]
Natural language processing for business: a practical guide
How OpenAI can improve business productivity ChatGPT is receiving an estimated 96 million visitors per month. According to Statista, in business applications the AI-powered chatbot is most commonly used by technical and educational organisations. A strategic use of natural language processing tools in applications where human-like responses are helpful can improve productivity, by automating laborious […]
Rising from Disruption: Harnessing Digital Prowess for a Resilient and Thriving Economy
The pandemic, intensification of geopolitical uncertainties, and a looming recession have put the world through nothing short of a turmoil of disruptive occurrences in recent years. And what have such disruptions resulted into? Evidently, these have cost the global economy a great deal of money, with projections from the UN, the IMF, and the World Bank putting the cost […]
The Benefits and Limitations of AI for Service Optimization
At first glance, Artificial Intelligence might seem like the perfect solution for IT service optimization – and it is, in some cases. By quickly parsing complex sets of data and generating insights based on them, AI can help organizations to identify and act upon opportunities for streamlining their IT services. But that doesn’t mean AI […]
The Role of Large Language Models in the Enterprise
ChatGPT, Bing, Bard… From relative obscurity, these platforms have launched themselves into the public domain in the last few months. Each is a specific product developed by different companies, but they are all built on top of the same class of technologies called Large Language Models (LLMs). What is a LLM? And what makes it […]