How service automation will create the smart offices of the future

The rate of change of technology is rapid and is exponentially rising. In terms of office space and the technology that employees want to have access to in the future, what does this look like? Back in the post war days when offices were becoming the norm for both men and women for the first […]

Communication: Why it’s essential for IT leaders

It’s no secret that effective communication is essential for business success. However, this goes beyond just having a flow of communication within the boardroom and among employees. Having open dialogue is important in all aspects of business and especially within IT teams and for IT leaders. While communication has previously not been viewed as a […]

Maximise your resources and transform your business during the cost-of-living crisis

The last few years have been stressful for many businesses and their employees. Just as we thought the worst of the pandemic had passed, we’re beginning to experience the worst cost-of-living crisis since the 1950s with energy bills, fuel prices and food prices soaring. Businesses too are facing higher costs across supply chains, manufacturing, overheads, […]

Why bravery builds resilience amongst modern Technology Channel leaders

As digital transformation continues to tighten its grip, so does the significance of the circular economy model, with carbon reduction and sustainable benefits quickly becoming a vital part of the technology sector. Accessibility, knowledge and innovation are already tenets of what the Technology Channel has to offer, and in an ever-changing and adaptable market, the […]

Why digital skills are essential for future societies

The Covid-19 pandemic led to a leap in digitalisation. The Lloyds Bank UK consumer digital index 2021 report – which takes an annual snapshot of digital skills in the UK –  suggests that there are 1.5 million more people now using the internet since the start of the outbreak. Whilst this means that 95 per cent of people […]

Going bespoke – the answer to breaking the legacy debt cycle

Technology, particularly how we can use it to streamline operations, enhance security and drive profits, is probably the most talked-about topic in business today Even more so since the pandemic sent digital adoption to the moon. From remote working to market intelligence and a lot more in between, technology underpins almost every aspect of business, […]

5 Tips for Current and Aspiring CTOs

For many technologists, the career goal is CTO. This role is different to any other you may hold on your way up the hierarchy. This can seem daunting to some as it may not be obvious how you can acquire the skills you’ll need to succeed. Below are some of my top tips on what […]

Embracing Technology: Key Activities for Seniors To Mitigate Ageism

Technology frequently consists of remarkable breakthroughs that assist society in moving forward, yet the same technology may also stall or inhibit the evolution of entire generations. But how exactly? I‘ve have a lot of experience in this area given my tenures with household tech companies like Compaq, Dell, Alienware and Neato Robotics. All of these […]

The Future of Intellectual Property

Over recent years, various emerging technologies have presented complex issues for intellectual property (IP) laws. The pace at which these technologies are advancing is only accelerating, and it seems fated that many recent innovations are on the verge of significantly impacting our lives. The ramifications for IP could be substantial, and already, discussions are taking […]

How HR Technology is Transforming Employee Training Programs

In today’s digital age, every company wants to invest more in the education and training of their employees to close the skills gap in the industry. Did you know there is a huge skill gap in the job market? It’s not that jobs are not available in the market, there is a shortage of skills […]