Clearing out the closet; why your brand’s app is anything but vogue

When it comes to our wardrobes, stylists know that no matter how many trends we follow, we only wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time. In other words, we naturally gravitate towards our favourite, tried and tested outfits time and time again. We may pack our wardrobes with options, but most of those […]

Becoming truly data-driven with the right culture

In the digital economy, data is the driving force of progress. Yet as companies continue to ingest large amounts of data – from hundreds of different sources – they continue to face internal obstacles that can stall productivity and innovation. Siloed departments, complex cloud environments and the variety of data sources and types make it […]

Why soft skills are key to filling the digital talent gap

In the UK alone, there were more than 64,000 vacancies for tech jobs in the third quarter of last year, according to a State of the Nation report from BCS. This represented an increase of 191% on the same period in 2020. It’s reflective of a wider digital skills gap that is impacting the globe. The […]

The psychology of sharing in a mobile world

When discussing the global pandemic, we speak of separation – from loved ones, colleagues, teammates and the social playground of restaurants, clubs, and shows. But in many ways, this crisis brought us closer than ever as we shared our lives online. We gained insight into how the world was coping and our psychological connections deepened. […]

Getting students back in the lecture hall: why the cloud will enhance the hybrid learning experience

Enhanced hybrid learning In a post-pandemic learning environment, the temptation to study from the comfort of one’s own home has led to university class sizes and lecture attendance falling significantly.  Despite this, over half of students would prefer to learn ‘mostly in-person’ and two thirds prefer blended in-person and online teaching. So, how can educators encourage learners back […]

Streaming in 2022: An Exercise in Cost-Cutting

The cost-of-living crisis is no longer looming on the horizon, it’s here. For those looking to save money, swapping expensive nights out, for a Netflix night on the sofa, seems an obvious choice. However, subscription services are falling victim to necessary penny pinching, because not only do people have less disposable income, but Streaming Video […]

The Digital Skills Gap is Jeopardising Growth

When we think of digital skills, images of people coding, fixing computers and using multiple apps leap to mind. But this limited view of digital skills is putting significant growth at risk. This article reveals the misunderstanding around digital skills and the impact this could have on UK businesses.  There is a widespread misconception about […]

Essential steps for businesses to create demand

As a marketing professional, you might be used to looking after your clients, but when it comes to marketing yourself online, are you doing all you can to ensure your services are searchable and accessible? Digital marketing can be a minefield at the best of times. With so many avenues to explore, it’s easy to […]

Limber up to boost your digital fitness this autumn

Britain currently faces one of its toughest economic situations in recent memory. Many UK-based businesses will be concerned about meeting the expectations of staff, customers and stakeholders this autumn, amid the oncoming recession and climbing cost of living. Digital fitness is an answer that will stand many in good stead moving forward. This means having […]