Are you ready for the next IT wave?

A quiet revolution is brewing as a compelling stack of apps and tools promises to unleash the full power of multi-cloud computing Sometimes we can all see change coming but, at other times, changes sneak up on us. I believe that we are currently witnessing a quiet revolution in the way we manage and deploy […]

Selecting the Right PCIe Interconnect Switch for Today, and Tomorrow

The rapid evolution of technology has made PCIe (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express) interconnect switches indispensable for various high-performance applications. With data-intensive tasks and the need for ultra-fast communication channels becoming more prevalent, selecting the right PCIe interconnect switch is crucial to support the performance, scale and agility required for the use cases where it will […]

Responsible Cloud Migration – Overcoming the Data Security Challenge

Since the world went digital the value of data has been unprecedented, and as businesses race to adopt the latest tech to optimise and monetise their data it is set to increase in value at an exponential rate. However, whilst data is widely regarded as an organisation’s main asset, data accountability is rarely owned, which […]

Edge data centre supports emerging trends

Edge data centres have witnessed a boom of interest, currently experiencing growth of 92% year on year. Edge data centres are small data centres that transmit and collect data close to the end-user and their devices, offering low levels of latency which can make for a better user experience. As businesses across sectors aim to […]

Game, set and match

Winding down after a hectic day by playing games online, is a pleasure enjoyed by many. As such, the market is surging, with an estimated 3 billion gamers around the world joining virtual realms and immersive digital environments. Perhaps not surprisingly, the gaming industry is making more money than both the music and film industries put together, […]

Pushing the boundaries of connectivity

How 800G will influence the telecommunications industry As technology continues to advance, the telecommunications industry is facing the challenge of meeting ever-increasing data demands.  Network operators are still benefiting from the migration to 100G from lower speeds like 10G and 25G. This allows for faster data transfer rates, increased network capacity, improved user experience and […]

Traditional Active-Passive High Availability Practices are Dead

Today’s always-on businesses require true active-active capabilities to keep up with modern real-time data demands In the modern on-demand, always-on economy of today, data availability has become a vital component of businesses’ IT strategies. Data must always be both accessible and available, no matter what is happening behind the scenes. Users expect immediate access to […]

Delivering Flexible Software Use Rights with Elastic Access

Software customers want to access the software they need, when they need it. Licensing different software packages with different terms for different users can create an entitlement management headache that frustrates customers—especially when the need for access varies from what they initially planned or purchased. Software suppliers want to avoid those frustrations. Streamlining the process […]

Digital Infrastructure Strategy: Comparing on-premises with cloud and colocation

When it comes to digital infrastructure, deciding between utilising either ‘on-premises’ or cloud remains to be a divide amongst all business decision makers and both sides have their benefits, depending on which way you look at it. Considering cloud for example, its often believed to be a runaway success. The UK Regulator Ofcom had produced […]

Think CX is dead? Here’s why you’re wrong

CX isn’t a direct revenue generator, but it’s still key to success In Forrester’s latest report on the future of the European market, there’s a concerning prediction. In 2023, the analyst firm estimates that one in five customer experience (CX) programmes will disappear if they aren’t able to prove their return on investment (ROI). At […]