Database Consistency Explained

Database consistency is defined by a set of values that all data points within the database system must align to in order to be properly read and accepted Should any data that does not meet the preconditioned values enter the database, it will result in consistency errors for the dataset. Database consistency is achieved by establishing rules. […]

Is Your Data Hot or Cold?

How data usage defines categorization Did you know that your data has a temperature? It’s true. However, that temperature has nothing to do with Fahrenheit or Celsius, or even how healthy your data is. The “temperature” of your data refers to two things: A brief history The temperature references for data were initially developed when […]

The Evolution of OSS Security Technologies

Cloud computing software and services universally use open-source software (OSS) such as Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, and Python. But while Linux has long included security capabilities, as did SNORT (a computer-based network intrusion detection system software), other OSS have seemingly had less impact on security—until now. Today, we see significant changes happening. For example, TechGenix reports, […]

Why is disaster recovery not central to the security solution?

Businesses take all kinds of risks Take new product or service launches, for example – success here is always uncertain. Most estimates suggest that the chance of any new product launch being successful is extremely low. Spending money in fresh business areas is a calculated risk that the business hopes will pay dividends in the […]

Design Considerations for Building a Multi-Cloud Strategy

Delivering on a multi-cloud strategy is as difficult as deciding whether to have a multi-cloud strategy at all Careful thought must be made for a multi-cloud decision, and then careful planning and flawless execution are required to achieve your goals. Let’s not confuse a multi-cloud strategy with the usage of multiple clouds. In the former, […]

How to optimise cloud spend for success and flexibility

Cloud computing has underpinned the world’s remote workforces and critical supply chains as government’s and organisations continue to try to avoid economic disaster during the pandemic Most organisations operate in the cloud in some way or another, and the digital transformation brought on by the pandemic challenges has only increased this trend. According to IDC, […]

Why SASE Has Earned A Seat At The Table At Your Next Board Meeting

Businesses have just endured one of the most economically disruptive periods in modern history, but disruption often leaves opportunity in its wake One of the small silver linings of the pandemic is that it acted as an accelerant for digital transformation, from getting workers set up for secure remote working, to deploying SD-WAN solutions in […]

Top trends in business analytics

Data powers business Organisations rely on it to remain successful and competitive, but they have traditionally performed analysis on huge volumes of historical data to make critical decisions. However, covid-19 has shown that models that rely on historical data have become obsolete. The data that informs business decisions needs to be captured, analysed and understood […]

How can businesses break the barriers for cloud adoption?

It’s hard to deny the fact that cloud-based technologies have really taken hold in recent years According to insights from IDG, growth in cloud adoption has been marked; while 81% of organisations already use cloud computing, or have applications in the cloud, a staggering 55% are now using more than one public cloud. The benefits […]

Why Cloud Is The Engine That Will Keep Business Booming

As we begin to gradually emerge from the pandemic, it has become clear that 2020 will go down in corporate history as the year when everything changed In something McKinsey has now dubbed The Quickening, businesses had to fit a decade’s worth of digital change into just a few short months as they adapted to […]