The web is decentralising. How will this change how we work?

A new and exciting phase in how we engage with the internet through online and mobile applications is emerging; one that is based on a decentralised architecture, like blockchain, rather than on a centralised one, like data centres. The crucial differentiator of blockchain-based applications as opposed to applications run on centralised networks is that the […]

Re-defining the way that businesses deal with data: the rise of data experts

The world is experiencing a truly transformational period in the world of data with the birth of a new generation of tools to manage the explosion of data seen since the dawn of the Covid pandemic.  However, many large, data-driven businesses are still facing the decision of how to decentralise and manage access to data […]

Could Your Business Benefit from a Migration Factory Approach?

More enterprises today are looking to take on data migration initiatives due to the ongoing trend of large-scale digital transformation, the constant push to shift to the cloud, and mergers, acquisitions and divestitures. However, many are still battling a mishmash of siloed information, old systems, on-premises and hybrid cloud deployments, and dark data as they […]

Empowering sustainable growth: Integrating refurbished IT into the new tax credit

Escalating calls for stainability are demanding immediate action. Some research suggests that our heating world is likely to break a key temperature limit for the first time at some point in the near future. It’s fair to say the IT sector does not have the greenest track record, with energy consumption during production and throughout […]

Five Critical Ways to Protect Your Software Supply Chain

Every company building software is building a software supply chain. They do this through assembling open source components and libraries to speed up development or access new technologies, through use of third-party APIs from partners or services to add functionality, or the use of open source tools in the software development lifecycle (SDLC). DevOps teams heavily rely […]

Five years on: the legacy of GDPR

Online banking. Netflix. Even car parking. Technology is an all-encompassing, unavoidable part of everyday life. We share our personal data with innumerable organisations on a daily basis. In fact, a 2022 ESG study1on the strategic and evolving role of data governance found that on average approximately 35% of an organisation’s total data contains Personally Identifiable […]

Why embracing cloud FinOps is crucial – and the steps to implement it

As organisations transition their technology infrastructure to a more cloud-focused approach, it is imperative for leaders to comprehend the possible obstacles their company may face. COVID-19 expedited the adoption of cloud solutions for numerous businesses. However, in the haste that followed, many failed to allocate sufficient time to strategy, operational efficiency, and to optimise their […]

5 Tips for Current and Aspiring CTOs

For many technologists, the career goal is CTO. This role is different to any other you may hold on your way up the hierarchy. This can seem daunting to some as it may not be obvious how you can acquire the skills you’ll need to succeed. Below are some of my top tips on what […]

Spending more time onboarding than developing, and other DevOps pain points

DevOps promised faster development and easier maintenance. But does it always deliver? The idea of technical debt is well understood, and not just limited to developers—there are lots of examples of cutting corners today and creating problems down the road. These problems are usually understood in terms of fixing bugs that arise out of workarounds […]

Staying ahead by breaking down the barriers to transformation

If the last decade has taught us anything, it’s that organisations must be able to adapt and respond to disruption, in a timely whilst effective manner. Amid rising costs, as a result of the energy and cost-of-living crisis, margins are being squeezed ever-tighter. Meanwhile, three quarters of UK businesses have been struck by a labour […]