How Wi-Fi 6 will transform enterprise connectivity

Wi-Fi 6 E – coming to a device near you

Given its ubiquity, Wi-Fi has cemented its place in history as one of the most widely adopted technologies of all time.

Wi-Fi Alliance®, the consortium representing the worldwide network of OEM companies in the space, recently announced the forthcoming roll out of Wi-Fi 6 E enabled devices, capable of 6 GHz operation. 6GHz is seen as an important portion of unlicensed spectrum and regulators in the US and UK (the FCC and Ofcom respectively) recently granted its use for Wi-Fi 6. Other regulators in the European Union are expected to follow suit.

We recently spoke to Wi-Fi Alliance VP Kevin Robinson to find out what the new spectrum will mean for enterprise users, and how it bolsters the 5G roll out.

Wi-Fi Alliance is a global network of companies that bring you Wi-Fi innovation. Members of the collaboration forum come together from across the Wi-Fi ecosystem with the shared vision to connect everyone and everything, everywhere, while providing the best possible user experience. Find out more at

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