Navigating the Challenges of AI in Software Development: A Call to Action to Comply with the EU AI Act

The Threat

In today’s rapidly evolving software development landscape, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have emerged as significant threat vectors. Organizations worldwide are witnessing a surge in targeted attacks aimed at software developers, data scientists, and the infrastructure supporting the deployment of secure AI-enabled software supply chains. Reports of attacks on development languages, infrastructure, manipulation of AI engines to expose sensitive data, and threats to overall software integrity are increasingly prevalent.

In this environment, organizations need to defend against AI software supply chain risks across three domains: Regulatory, Quality, and Security.

1. Regulatory

The advent of the EU AI Act and the expansion of existing regulations, like the White House Executive Order, signals a new era of accountability for organizations looking to leverage AI for their business needs and competitive edge. These emerging legislations stipulate clear guidance on permissible and forbidden actions within enterprise software frameworks, accompanied by significant penalties for non-compliance.

As AI and Machine Learning (ML) introduce a new attack surface, organizations must prepare for these regulatory changes now if they want to be prepared for when they take effect between 2025 and 2027. It’s not uncommon that even the most established businesses run decades-old, homegrown infrastructure built by developers using various programming languages and principles. This brings complexity for businesses who want to advance their systems and infrastructure while complying with emerging regulations while advancing Companies are moving with caution as they want to scale in the right way to avoid any unplanned operational disruption and spikes in IT running costs.

2. Quality

Navigating the complexities of software development is inherently challenging, and the integration of AI complicates the landscape even further. As highlighted by a prominent industry leader, attaining deterministic outcomes from statistical models—a core of AI and ML—is fraught with difficulties. With AI’s reliance on vast datasets, developers must grapple with the intricacies of statistical variability, from data drift to bias.

The potential for chaotic and unreliable outcomes necessitates rigorous data organization and management practices. Developers must take a meticulous approach to ensure that inputs to AI models are clean, consistent, and representative. Quality assurance in AI-centric software development is not just a technical challenge; it requires a cultural shift towards prioritizing excellence in every phase of the development lifecycle.

3. Security

AI not only enhances capabilities but also introduces new vulnerabilities that malicious actors can exploit. Python, the language of choice for many AI developers due to its accessible syntax and robust libraries for data visualization and analytics, exemplifies this dual-edged sword. While its foundations support the advanced AI software ecosystem, its widespread usage also presents critical security risks, particularly regarding malicious ML models.

Recent discoveries by the JFrog Security Research team illustrate the gravity of these threats: an accidentally leaked GitHub token, if misused, could have afforded malicious access to significant repositories, including the Python Package Index (PyPI) and the Python Software Foundation (PSF). Malicious models could have taken advantage of the model object format used in Python to execute malicious code on the user’s machine without the user’s knowledge. If the worst did happen, this vulnerability would have threatened the integrity of critical systems across banking, government, cloud and eCommerce platforms.

The potential fallout of such vulnerabilities emphasizes the urgent need for enhanced security measures within the AI software supply chain. Organizations must prioritize defensive strategies to safeguard against these emerging threats, as the consequences of inaction could jeopardize not only their operations but the entire digital ecosystem.


As the complexities of AI and software development grow, so do the associated risks. By adopting a proactive approach across the pillars of regulation, quality, and security, organizations can fortify their defenses against the evolving threat landscape. The time to act is now—ensuring compliance, excellence in execution, and fortified security is not just a strategic advantage; it’s essential for business survival in an increasingly interconnected world.

About the Author

Guy Levi is VP and Lead Architect, CTO Office at JFrog. Deliver Trusted Software with Speed. The only software supply chain platform to give you end-to-end visibility, security, and control for automating the delivery of trusted releases. The massively scalable, hybrid JFrog Platform is open, flexible, and integrated with all the package technologies and tools comprising the software supply chain. Organizations benefit from full traceability to any type of release and deployment environment including ML models, software that runs on the edge, and software deployed in production data centers.

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